Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Executive and Professional Education
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Continuing Education Units
Anil Ada
Associate Teaching Professor
Henny Admoni
Associate Professor
Human-Robot Interaction, Assistive Robotics, Modeling Human Behavior
Yuvraj Agarwal
Associate Professor
Systems and Networking, Embedded Systems, Mobile Computing
Ehab Al-Shaer
Distinguished Research Fellow
Cybersecurity Engineering, Deep Reinforcement Learning for Self-Adaptive Cyber Systems
Len Bass
Faculty - Adjunct
Lujo Bauer
Professor, ECE-ISR
Electrical & Computer Engineering, S3D Software and Societal Systems Department
Alan Black
Professor - Emeritus
Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics
Travis Breaux
Associate Professor
Privacy, Security, Requirements and Software Engineering
Henry Chai
Assistant Teaching Professor
Machine Learning, Active Learning, Probabilistic Numerics
Nicolas Christin
Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Dark Web
Philip Compeau
Associate Teaching Professor
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics
John Dolan
Principal Systems Scientist
Autonomous Driving, Robot Reliability
Jeff Eppinger
Web Application Server Development
Fei Fang
Associate Professor
Game Theoretic Models and Machine Learning Algorithms for Cyber Deception
John Galeotti
Senior Systems Scientist
Medical image Analysis Algorithms
Praveen Garimella
Faculty - Adjunct
Programming, Machine Learning, Cyber Security
David Garlan
Software Architecture
Rayid Ghani
Distinguished Career Professor
Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence
Ioannis Gkioulekas
Associate Professor
Computer Vision, Computational imaging
Mayank Goel
Associate Professor
Sensing Systems, Applied Machine Learning
Geoff Gordon
Machine Learning, Large Datasets
Matthew Gormley
Associate Teaching Professor
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
Anupam Gupta
Algorithms, Data Structures, Theoretical Computer Science
David Held
Associate Professor
Intersection of Robotics, Machine Learning, Computer Vision
Hanan Hibshi
Assistant Teaching Professor
Cybersecurity, Privacy, Memory Safety, Blockchain
Michael Kaess
Associate Professor
Robot Perception, Localization, Mapping
Eunsuk Kang
Assistant Professor
Sofware Design, Requirements, Modeling, Specification and Verification, AI-enabled Systems
Kris Kitani
Associate Research Professor
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems
David Kosbie
Teaching Professor
Programming and Problem Solving with Python
Oliver Kroemer
Assistant Professor
Robot Autonomy
Claire Le Goues
Associate Professor
Software Engineering
Lei Li
Assistant Professor
Large Language Models, Multilingual NLP and Translation, AI for Science (Drug discovery/Protein Design)
Changliu Liu
Assistant Professor
Provably Safe Robotics, Adaptive Control, Reinforcement Learning
Alex John London
Clara L. West Professor of Ethics and Philosophy
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
Paulo Merson
Adjunct Faculty
Software Architecture, Microservices, Domain-Driven Design
Tom Mitchell
Founders University Professor
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Neuroscience
David Mortensen
Assistant Research Professor
Natural Language Processing
Srinivasa Narasimhan
Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Cameras and Sensing
Graham Neubig
Associate Professor
Natural Language Processing, Spoken Language Processing, Machine Learning
Matthew O'Toole
Assistant Professor
Computer Vision, Facial Recognition
Rohan Padhye
Assistant Professor
Software engineering, Programming Languages, Systems, Security
Deepak Pathak
Assistant Professor
Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics
Bhiksha Raj
Deep Learning
Pradeep Ravikumar
Machine Learning, Explainable AI, Robust AI
Kelly Rivers
Associate Teaching Professor
Carolyn Rose
Language Technologies, Human-Computer Interaction
Stephanie Rosenthal
Associate Teaching Professor
AI, Human-Computer Interaction
Norman Sadeh
Privacy, Cybersecurity, Human-AI interaction, Trustworthy AI
Sebastian Scherer
Associate Research Professor
safe perception and autonomy for drones, advanced air mobility, mobile robots
Bradley Schmerl
Principal Systems Scientist
Sofware Architecture
Jeff Schneider
Research Professor
Robot Autonomy, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Reid Simmons
Research Professor
AI, Randomized Algorithms
Rita Singh
Associate Research Professor
Deep Learning
Mark Stehlik
University Professor
Sherry Tongshuang Wu
Assistant Professor
LLMs and Prompt Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, Natural Language Processing
Shubham Tulsiani
Assistant Professor
Computer Vision, Robot Learning for Manipulation, Sensing & Perception
Patrick Virtue
Assistant Teaching Professor
Machine Learning
Shinji Watanabe
Associate Professor
David Woodruff
Algorithms, Data Structures
Joseph Yankel
Faculty - Adjunct
Hasan Yasar
Faculty - Adjunct
Jun-Yan Zhu
Assistant Professor
Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning